Preparation of lesson planning

 Preparation of lesson planning

 Following points should be kept in mind while preparing a lesson plan: 

 1) Lesson number

 2) Date

 3) Time

 4) Class

 5) Subject

 6) Average age of children

 7) Topic of the lesson

 8) Aims of the lesson

 a) Specific aim

 b) General aim

 9) Material aids

10) Previous knowledge

11) Introduction

12) Statement of the aim

13) Presentation

14) Comprehensive question

15) Black-board summary

16) Application or Recapitulation

17) Home-work

Topic of the lesson

 For effective teaching the reading material is divided into various topics. If a topic is

small in size, then it works as a lesson for the day. But if it is lengthy, then it is divided into

sub topics, according to our ideas and accordingly each heading is also determined.

Aims of the lesson

 Before lesson is taught, it is necessary to decide its aim or objectives. Every lesson

has following two types of aims:

a) General aims: By general aims we mean aims related to the subject. In these aims, no

change is made as they are definite and have direct relation with the full subject.

b) Specific aims: Those aims which are not related to the full subject, instead, they are

related toa part of the lesson and with a particular context. These are changed in

accordance with the changes in lesson and context.

Material aids

 In order to make the teaching successful, effective and interesting, a teacher uses

material aids or devices and techniques. The time and manner of which should be included

in the lesson plan.

Previous knowledge

 Previous knowledge is the knowledge, which the students already possess before

teaching them a new lesson. In previous knowledge not only the previous reading material,

but all the experiences of the child, which he has achieved till now is included. By taking into

consideration the previous knowledge, this will also be kept in mind, but previous 

knowledge of the students should be in accordance to the selected lesson.


 Before starting a new lesson, a teacher should prepare his students to acquire new

knowledge. Here a question arises, how can a teacher may ask 3 or 4 questions based on 

the students’ previous knowledge, in order to inculcate interest, enthusiasm and curiosity 

among his students for accepting the new lesson. In order to make the student accept and 

adopt a new lesson, following methods can be used:

a) Asking questions based on the lesson

b) Narrating a story

c) Showing a picture

d) Explaining the subject

e) Narrating poems

g) Presenting any example or incident etc.

Statement of aim

 After completing the introduction of the lesson, students get a picture of the 

objectives of that lesson. After giving the introduction, teacher should tell the specific aims. 

While students are acquainted with the specific aims of lesson, enthusiasm is generated 

among them. Secondly, they choose the correct way for the study of the lesson. Their 

attention is centralized towards the reading subject and the teacher will feel comfortable 

while teaching.


 After statement of aim, when the attention of both, the teacher and the students 

are centralized towards the lesson, the teacher should use the principle of selection and 

division. For the development of the units, a teacher is required to use various educational 

techniques like questions, examples, explanation, narration and exhibition.

Comprehensive questions

 Comprehensive questions are those questions, which are asked by the teacher 

from his students after teaching every unit of the lesson, in order to ascertain, whether the 

children have properly understood the lesson or not. Comprehensive questions are usually 

of two types – first related to the teaching matter and second related to the language.

Black – board summary

The black board summary should always be formed with the help of students,

but not much time should be devoted to this purpose. Black –board summary consists of

important sentences which should be small, clear, relevant and written in a serial form so

that students can adopt lesson matter easily and comfortably.


 Recapitulation exercise should be done so that whatever has been taught to the

students till now, can be retain in their brains. The teacher comes to know about the

success or failure in achieving his aim.

Home – work

 Home assignment should be given to the students related to that lesson.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Write your answer in the space provided after each item.

 b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the unit.

 3. When should we plan a lesson?







4. Why material aids are useful in teaching?



